Albert Park Road

Set in a quiet area of Malvern, in Worcestershire, Albert Park Road has seven en-suite bedrooms in a shared house.
We provide personal care and support for adults aged 18 to 65, with a range of learning disabilities, to live as independently as possible.

  • Staff on-site 24 hours a day
  • Short-term supported housing with personal care
  • Integrated and mobile assistive technology
  • Communal lounge, kitchen, dining area, computer room and garden

Inspected and rated by the CQC

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the national independent regulator of all health and social care services in England.
They inspect and monitor care homes, nursing homes and supported housing where personal care is provided and produce reports about them, to help you find a service that suits you.
The care delivered at Albert Park Road is registered with the manager based at Hazel Court, with Care Nest Homes (Hazel Court) as the registration name.

Care and support

What care and support do you provide?

Using our Digital Social Care Records system, our teams work closely with residents to create personalised care and support plans. To read more about how we use Digital Social Care Records to enhance our care and support, visit our Technology and Innovation page.
Our highly-trained staff are on-site 24 hours a day, seven days a week, giving residents peace of mind that support is always on-hand. There is an out-of-hours telephone service, should residents require any further support.We also provide follow-on support when residents move on to live independently. Residents can purchase telecare technology to reduce their need for support whilst still feeling safe.

Who is technology enabled living designed for?

Anyone who needs assistance with daily living tasks or who wants to stay safe and independent can benefit from technology enabled living. This includes older people, people with physical disabilities or learning disabilities, and those who live or work alone in potentially risky or harmful situations.

Is assistive technology the same as technology enabled living?

Technology enabled living is another way of saying assistive technology. You may also hear it called telecare technology or support, or you might recognise some of the more commonly-used technology, such as pendant alarms, wrist alarms and pull cords.


Am I eligible?

To be eligible for a place at Albert Park Road, applicants must:

  • Be aged 18 to 65
  • Have a learning disability

How do I apply?

To apply, please complete the enquiry form below and ask for an application form. We accept referrals from the Positive Living Options team at Worcestershire County Council. The team can also be contacted on 01905 768 053.

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